I think Alan suffers from a mild case of “premature encapsulation”. (those who have known me for a really long time will get that. ;p)

Folks, just a heads-up: this chapter is 34 pages long. In order to maximize benefit, I have restructured the milestone tiers on Patreon to give us at LEAST one update of Ship in a Bottle, Peppermint Saga AND Kawaii Neko Daigaku before we swing back around to 2x per week on Ship. That means the new goal (assuming you want double Ship and both other comics) is $720. And that’s ONLY to cover artist salary! Now, I AM considering how much I make that you cannot see, which is why Peppermint Saga continues to update unabated. However, if you really, really want to make that permanent, I’m still looking for a few hundred volunteers at $1 per month. If you can spare a wee bit more, you get some additional bonuses and I can focus on making sure this comic is never delayed again thanks to insane regular work schedules. So, please. Give if you got it.
