So, two things are happening in my apartment complex right now. The maintenance crew is painting everything a shade of chocolate brown and we’re being bombarded by solicitations from the new Cash 4 Gold location down the street. Usually, it wouldn’t bother me but considering they’ve stuck several fliers in my door and outright sent a person to urge us to give them our delicious gold, I can’t help but get a little annoyed. Though they don’t personally talk to me since I revealed I’m allergic to gold (I’m also allergic to fake gold and copper). Today, another flyer came and this time, it ruined the paint job on the door. It seems like that sketchy place is determined to get my non-existent gold. Well they can’t have it. I keep it in my invisible vault in Fort Knox. Haw, I’m so fake-rich!


P.S. Did you know the gold in FortKnox is fake? Also, did you knowFort Knox has a kick ass mall?


P.P.S. I miss hanging out in Fort Knox…