I like how the stationary is his biggest concern right now.
Keep contributing to the Patreon, folks! Looks like we got one more Patron today. Once Nel is restored to righteousness on the “front page”, we should be at or around $355/month or so. We’re very, very close to having out KND updates back to full. Oshigan was supposed to have the page today, but I never saw the sketch, so I assume he’s slaving away as we speak.
where’s the update?
where are the next pages?
Yeah, I agree with Alan. Maybe get a third opinion. Bear is standing right there and is a lot more than dumb muscle; ask him.
I’m really enjoying the latest pages more than usual. Things feel a lot fresher and more exciting than at the start of the relaunch.
I just noticed… her arm in panel 3 kinda bends weirdly… and I can’t unsee it ._.
haven’t you ever heard of non-straight arms?
Ayy, I’m the one Patreon who joined. I’ve read the series since 2013, and I finally am out of college and have the disposable income to support this comic!
Welcome to… the…
Ship… Bottle… Genies…
Ship… The Shippies…?
Uh, welcome to the supporters and thank you.
I’m sure he means parchment, rather than “parchment paper” which is.. silicone-impregnated paper..
parchment, if I’m not mistaken, is just really really thin leather.. and I’m a huge dork.
One has to wonder whose skin was used to make the leather?
Well, he’s clearly not going to spend too much time dwelling on the proper word to use.
That’s an impressive contract if it lets her take a sabbatical of several years between doing any work for the shop. I don’t think Alan will let her sex her way into this job, either.
“Employment Contract”?
As old as that paper looks to be, it may be a bit more like an ownership contract. Judging from her Puritan derived style of dress, or rather u dress, that would be just about the right era…
We talk about magical contracts on the next page. Keep in mind: there’s more to this world than meets the eye. 😉
that is one creepy furby in the background
Innit? XD It calls to youuuuu…
Yeah, and I’m not sure you want to know WHAT it’s calling you either…
Hey! It’s a… um… Shmurby. For copyright reasons.
It watches over your children, slowly traumatising them without them knowing. Until eventually, they become
*Dramatic music*
Light sleepers
now i KNOW she’s Ship’s daughter. how else would she be able to snap up a contract?
“Magic, motherfuckers.” – Lord Leezar, “Your Highness” (2011)
Wai- wai- wait. Hold on there. Considering who Alan has, uh, “been with,” you might want to be a bit more careful throwing the word “motherfucker” around.
As Allen wasn’t the father of either of them, and, as she, (Ship’s daughter) mentioned that she was a few hundred years old, I doubt that Ship would have much trouble with what happened. Especially as she was one of the two women who sent him for their “lessons” in the first place!