More nerd references galore. Also, special thanks to both UncolaMan and Nel Celestine for their recent patronage. Nel actually has a VERY extended cameo in this chapter, so stay tuned.
Beatrice takes Alan to the gym so he can work this situation out on his own. Personally? I woulda taken up yoga or something, but hey. To each their own, amirite? Ship naturally finds her audience right away, so there’s no flies on this genie, no sir. Also, I don’t want to hear about Beatrice’s abrasiveness. This was scripted long before the complaints started rolling in. Rest assured, once Alan starts being more assertive, Beatrice dials it back a bit.
Don’t forget: whatever your interest, be it saving our current staff or going “all the way” and bringing PrettÃo back (no small task), we need more Patrons on Patreon to afford the artwork. Even if you’re new and you kick in but $1US, you’re making a difference.
Aww, Rockey looks great! Huge props to the artist* for portraying my character so well without a lot of material on her to work with.
I love Bea’s face is this picture; it’s so comical!
*Uh, is this page Kit-Ho or Chang or both?
as far as I know, always both. They gave me a breakdown of what they do, but it seems convoluted by my standards. XD
Since when was there some cute cat girl in that comic?
It’s part of the “face in the crowd” reward on Patreon.
HAHA pore Alan that dose not always help but hell it will be fun to see him get torchered a bit though love Beatrice when she start’s to curse at him makes it fun
You’re the first to claim to like that. Some people on the previous pages were complaining she was too coarse and it was “forced”. XD