Silly Bea, Jedi mind tricks only work on the weak.

So, I was logging in this evening, rather groggily because I was getting ready for bed, and I noticed the little number on the chart only I can see as an admin had the number “2937” over it. Normally around here it hovers around… oh, 300-400. I had to a do a double take. I logged into the admin area to see what the hell happened, and it looks like we got tagged on a new subReddit! So, hello new readers from Reddit! Please stay a while! Thank you for the biggest day in this comic’s history, so far!

And, of course, for the rest: Patreon, flog flog, yadda yadda. Also, did you know you can follow me on Twitter? I’m @MaciaPaladin – It’s my handle from my Starship Moonhawk days.
