WTF, indeed.
Ok, so, Patreon has settled into their thing, so that means we need a little bit more money, or else 2x per week will be forced to go back to 1x per week in January. So, do what you can. We’re counting on you. Also, the Reddit thing, for the most part, was short-lived. Kinda like last time it happened. You get about 3-4 days of WOOHOO! and then it drops back down to a more normal level as your listing falls down the page. Oh well. If only we weren’t in such a popular and competitive category… but I digress. 😉 KND update on Thursday, btw.
I wonder… will we ever see ginger-blond guy return? Will he be the one to stop Alan from making a harem (completely unaware that he’s doing so) and thus become the true antagonist of the series? Or…. is he secretly gay and fancies Alan as much as all the girls? Yikes!
Interesting page for today albeit a tad low on ye olde content in terms of the story and such 😛
PS Pissant *chortle*
It’s humor and worldbuilding. We’re informed that this world is populated by more than just main and supporting characters and it lets us know that her plotting isn’t merely internal monologues. I’ve read lots of manga that take several pages setting up mood before the first line of dialog, so in my mind the story is clipping along pretty quickly.
I meant that this specific page doesn’t directly further the story or contain sexy fun times, as is the general tendency for SiaB. I don’t dislike it 🙂