So, Ship hatches a plot and Alan, well… he’s afraid of finding out exactly what it is Lady S. is selling. So all I can say is that this will make for a great Act II!
Also, quick apology: I don’t know why I keep ending up late. At least it’s still Friday somewhere…
I said no suggestions. Also, this subject is no, no, NO, and NEVER. Read the Genie Code pertaining to not being able to do permanent harm to others. “inflicting pregnancy” would have both a physical and psychologically damaging result.
I keep feeling sorry for Alan even if I know what is coming next hahahahahaha
heh heh
Yummy… Mace got his mojo back! The actual funny tags have returned 😀
And with that…
Funny tags of the week!
Alan fears the meat Lady Stephanie has for sale – I would too, it seems more and more like that meat is either attached to her… or some other humanoid! Maybe that’s just me? Just me? Ok…
Ship is taking Alan for a drag – I’ve never seen any subservient person be this much of a drag before! *tumbleweed* What? Bad jokes are fun and I can’t help myself! 🙂
special deliveries go in the rear… – Which rear is the delivery area? I wouldn’t mind taking mine to Ships rear, if you catch my drift 😉
Stahp it, Mace… you’re making me do perverted things with your funny comments! 😛
And you thought this was never my plan to begin with? XD
Why you no get internet sarcasm? 😛
Of course it was your plan, you can’t help yourself… just like I can’t!
And on that note… here’s a high five and a rather interesting video a friend shared:
All will be explained in due time. 😉