of coerse its for scientific purposes only poeple.
I only want to find her source of power by examining every inch of her and het bottle 😛
how else are we going to know everything about her!?
Getting a blowjob from a genie, an extremely hot one at that, must be beyond the pleasure attainable by human-human sexual relations! If you continue this I could almost consider this fap material xD (so far it's just kinky entertainment, the best if you ask me :D)
sadly i dont like the porn in most comixxx coz i love the comedy of most.
But seeing this make’s me wonder what this comic is about is it about sex or the relationship between the 2…
OH F**K IT go for it ship you need you’re fix after 100 years!!! 😛
Well you can probably guess where this is leading… (almost typed ‘heading’ and thought better of it, lol)
But I will say that it’s not going to be “hardcore” stuff~ the comic essentially is like an R movie when it will come to the sekz stuff. But don’t worry, I’ll still keep it interesting (or at least try to!!)
I would say that more than likely its impossible to get her pregnant unless she wants him to. That seems like the smart thing for a genie that likes sex to do.
why do the guy’s eyes always get blacked out? it’s creepy& weird.
of coerse its for scientific purposes only poeple.
I only want to find her source of power by examining every inch of her and het bottle 😛
how else are we going to know everything about her!?
You could also… I don’t know… ask her in the morning? 😀
I don’t mind his brows, they fit him if you ask me…
Also I love how you fit in the x-rated parts with the comic, it’s a comic, not a pron story xD
Still…. so jealous!
same here m8 :'( same here
(* wishing i had a gennie in a bottle like her*)
I aproove of how the x-ratedness is fit in ^.^ its not over the top but its still there!
And of course i want a genie Purely for ah… scientific purposes… Totally.
I wouldn’t mind putting my name on this entire post!
I’m jealous of that lucky bastard <.<
Getting a blowjob from a genie, an extremely hot one at that, must be beyond the pleasure attainable by human-human sexual relations! If you continue this I could almost consider this fap material xD (so far it's just kinky entertainment, the best if you ask me :D)
sadly i dont like the porn in most comixxx coz i love the comedy of most.
But seeing this make’s me wonder what this comic is about is it about sex or the relationship between the 2…
OH F**K IT go for it ship you need you’re fix after 100 years!!! 😛
Well you can probably guess where this is leading… (almost typed ‘heading’ and thought better of it, lol)
But I will say that it’s not going to be “hardcore” stuff~ the comic essentially is like an R movie when it will come to the sekz stuff. But don’t worry, I’ll still keep it interesting (or at least try to!!)
What I wanna know, Does the magical genie girl spit or does she swallow? Purely out of scientific interest -shiftyeyes-
Easy, guy. Peppermint Saga is my X-rated comic. ;p
Hey its purely for scientific interests! >..> <..< ^..^
The second frame eyebrows… Cant stop stareing…
Alan’s eyebrows?? o_o
They are like a couple pipe cleaners. XD
Yup! Pipecleaners!
I try to make his brows look more hairy-ish since he’s a guy :B Maybe i should just stick to the simple lines then..? :O
Maybe.. Maybe just alittle less? heh.
maybe a weird question but is ship sucking his face off via other means??
WOW its nice but looks weird =P (half of face gone via ship MAGICAL XD)
I have to say that I love this, and in my own way, I pray that he gets her pregnant and starts a happy family with her.
Got to wonder what the kid will both look like and be like?
I would say that more than likely its impossible to get her pregnant unless she wants him to. That seems like the smart thing for a genie that likes sex to do.
Sounds plausible to me xD
And convenient!
One lucky sonofabitch!!. She’s been in that bottle a LOOOOONG time and the little Darlin is rearin’ ta GO!
Shes been in that bottle a loooooong time and she is thirsty, Be sure to give her something to drink -wink-
She’s been in there so looooooooooooooooooooooooooong, that he looks long to her! olololololololol!!!!!
What she sees:
What it really is: