Ship of Fools – A Mother’s Day PSA (sorta!)

First of all, Happy Mother’s Day to all of our American readers! Second, today we launch our new feature, Ship of Fools! It’s a fun AU series of comics drawn by our longtime friend, TeaGreen! You may remember her for her long running comic LoveMagic, as well as the subscription-based “Date With a Tentacle Monster” (which is kinda sorta a spinoff of LoveMagic exclusively for Filthy Figments, a great website hosting comics made entirely by women). For a couple years, she lent her talents to us coloring the comic and providing hilarious and fun content when called upon to step in and pinch hit. This one is up a little early because of the time-sensitive nature of the message, but ideally we will be posting these up on the 15th and 25th of each month to not only give you all a little bit more content to look at, but also juice up the fun-o-meter on the blog whenever I feel like sharing new information and such. Plus, it will make my blogging here a tad more consistent as I will be setting a regular schedule for posting. I may shift it a little if it falls on a regular comic update day, but expect these updates on the 15th and 25th of each month and look for the category “Ship of Fools” to see the archive!
Looking forward to even more delicious content, yum yum!
Funny tag of the… fools?
Ship of Fools. I can’t help myself, it’s a multifaceted tag! Ship should be shipped with a ship by the way. Why? Oh, the sheer brain wrecking it’s going to cause will be nothing short of wonderful! Not to mention alliteration!