Ship Filler 2 May26 by Tea on May 26, 2012 at 12:00 am Posted In: Blog Alright, Filler 2. Also, it’s rude to just sneak into other people’s pools. What if they’re haunted or something. Share this:FacebookTwitterMoreLinkedInPrintEmailReddit └ Tags: shaytan trixie pool alan cramp
Wooo archive-binging ahoy!
Say, did you know the TVTropes article has been deleted and locked?
I did. I’ll be removing the link. TV Tropes updated their policies to be more in line with this non-existant “conservative majority”. So porn is not even to be referenced anymore.
Huh, I saw it as the liberal big brother thought police.
I guess either way we just can’t win.
Yummy…. can I take his place please? 😀
PS Funny tag of the week: “shaytan trixie pool alan cramp” Quite hilarious that it’s all a SINGLE tag, eh? 😛
Commas are highly overrated. 😉